Tips for a stunning appearance for your skin to face the changing seasons
Tips for a stunning appearance for your skin to face the changing seasons.
Changes in your skin are normal at different stages of life. From excess shine in adolescence to the dryness that can affect your skin as you age, or the change in weather, your skin brings with it many challenges. However, you can control these changes and work to achieve a healthy balance for your skin through proper care and a proper health regimen. So here's how to deal with these changes effectively and learn about the health and beauty of your skin during this transitional period.
As temperatures and humidity change, your skin can become more susceptible to irritation and dryness. While you might think that oily skin might improve with the onset of fall, it can show some unexpected changes.
Here are the causes of dry skin and tips on how to adjust your skin care routine and choose the right products to keep your skin healthy and looking radiant in the fall.
Causes of dry skin
Low humidity can cause your skin to become dry and irritated. However, fall isn't the only time of year when the weather affects your sensitive skin. Any dry conditions such as a dry summer day, or poorly ventilated places such as public transport or some offices can actually dry out your skin.
The absence of fruits and vegetables can have a harmful effect on your skin. Vitamin C helps manufacture collagen, which is essential to keeping your skin plump, hydrated, and healthy. It is best to start changing your food system and focus on fruits and vegetables to provide moisture.
Not drinking enough water Drinking enough water is a problem that many women find difficult to face. To get good hydration, a woman should consume approximately two to three liters of water daily, which means you may need more water daily to keep the body hydrated.
You cannot do without, hyaluronic acid contains up to six liters of water per gram. So, if you are applying hyaluronic acid to dry skin, you may be drying out your skin instead of moisturizing it. Because the hyaluronic acid will pull moisture from anywhere it can find to hydrate the surface of your face, including the deeper layers of your skin if there is no moisture in the air.
Skip the SPF Sun protection factor (SPF) is required year-round to prevent skin cancer and protect your skin. For this reason, make your last layer of skincare a sunscreen containing ingredients like shea butter, glycerin, and hyaluronic acid to restore moisture.
Skin goes through a lot of changes in your 30s as its repair system slows down. One factor that affects the skin is dry skin, which is also exacerbated by the ongoing decline in estrogen – the hormone that contributes to hydration and collagen levels. To compensate for the decreased amount of oil your skin produces, add omega fatty oils such as salmon, mackerel, walnuts, and flaxseed oil to your diet.
Tips on how to adjust your skin care routine
Here are some tips on how to adjust your skin care routine during the fall to effectively combat skin changes:
Gentle cleansing: Choose a gentle, alcohol-free cleansing product to remove impurities and excess oil without drying out your skin.
Reduce exfoliation: Avoid using harsh chemical products or harsh peels, and replace them with gentle options that contain natural ingredients such as aloe vera.
Sun protection: Although temperatures are dropping, harmful sun rays are still present. So use sunscreen daily, even during fall, to protect your skin from damage caused by UV rays.
Drink sufficient amounts of water: Drink sufficient amounts of water to contribute to moisturizing your skin from within. Good moisture from within reflects the health of your skin.
Choose fragrance-free products: Fragrances and strong chemicals may be irritating to your skin during fall. Look for products that are free of fragrances and harmful chemicals.
Healthy Nutrition: A healthy diet plays a big role in the health of your skin. Eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals, especially foods rich in vitamin C and E, which help promote skin health.
We always remind you of the necessity of trying these recipes on a part of the skin of your inner hand at the wrist before using them directly on your entire face, to avoid skin irritation for some people to the mentioned ingredients.